Sunday, 7 June 2015

Burdened Friend

Friend In Deed

"How can a troubled person like Bill Wynchuk in Baggage burdens. be a source of strength for Jill?   Answer–– “. . .my power is made perfect in weakness.”  2 Corinthians 12:9. At the time Jill turns to Bill for help, he was weak. He was still reeling from the death of his wife.

The two strengths Bill had going for him, his counseling skills and a close relationship with Jill’s family, failed to help him save Jill’s marriage. Later Bill became more aware of the friction between Jill and Daniel, her oldest son. To help her he had to call on anther resource, a suspect resource in Jill’s eyes.

After Jill’s automobile accident and during her subsequent hospitalization, Bill did what he normally would do––attempt to strengthen ties with Jill and her family to be of help. Multiple successes in assisting her children and cousin Julie built a strong relational framework with them. But Bill’s hospital visits, while appreciated by Jill, resulted in Jill reluctantly accepting Bill as a friend.

Through patience and perseverance Bill builds a fragile trust with Jill, a trust that opens the door for her to share a festering thorn that shields her from allowing a closer bond with Bill. Clarification of the misunderstanding leads Bill to explore the nature of the tension between Jill and Daniel.
Because Bill’s advice for mending Jill’s relationship with her son is seen as insufficient, Bill calls upon his greatest strength, his faith in God, an approach that Jill undervalues. Jill’s fear of visiting her ailing grandmother in Ontario opens the door again for Bill to witness about his confidence in turning to his personal god. Jill’s crisis in faith is exposed. Bill finds himself explaining his faith in ways he had not expected.

For a variety of reasons sharing stories about how God has been active in your life is tough. As Bill and Jill show a trusting relationship is vital. How have your experiences shown that trust is needed before you can share your faith beliefs?

One of my favorite characters in Baggage burdens. is Mary, a person who loves life in so many ways. Meet Mary in my next blog. 

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