Sunday, 20 December 2015

Love the Farmer's Market

Love the Farmer’s Market

For consumers the Farmer’s Market is a place to purchase local vegetables or specialty foods. Some people look forward to discovering irresistible crafts that might add a touch of beauty to their homes.

In Baggage Burdens. for Joseph and Thomas, the market is an important part of their life. They sell their vegetables to support their family.  While they aren’t becoming rich, it is a satisfying part of their life.

Other market rewards is an opportunity to display and talk about their hobby as seen through various crafts. Friendships form. Joseph rescues a 63-year-old seller who has a flat tire. While Susan can’t convince Joseph to take any money for his help, she does give a necklace with a Black Beauty pendant to Amber, Joseph’s daughter. When Joseph debates moving into Camrose, he's disappointed that he would be giving up visiting with his market customers. After eight years in Camrose, Joseph goes to visit Thomas at the market. A large crowd has gathered around Thomas’ table. Joseph can’t resist helping his friend and renewing old acquaintances with his former customers.

Thomas, too values the social interactions at the market more than the economic benefits. Retirement for the seventy-one year old was difficult. Mornings he needed help to unload his truck and set up, but that didn’t prevent him from coming back year after year. The bonds of friendship with his customers and other vendors were too strong. Thomas knew the life history of his regular customers and most of the vendors. When he did retire, Thomas often returned to the market so he could visit with the venders.

Thomas and Joseph reflect the vendors I have met at the market when I sell my books. The vendors know the names and interests of their fellow sellers. They too, struggle in disciplining themselves from buying too many items from the other market stalls.
Can you see the good in other people?
In Baggage Burdens. the dark side of some characters may prevent the reader from seeing their good qualities. No one is perfect. By the same token no one is all bad. In the next blog I identify some character’s hidden qualities and discuss why it is important that we can see them.
Can you see God in other people?

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