Sunday, 5 August 2018

Expression of Faith

Expression of Faith 

Words of faith from an unexpected source––their expression can’t help but make an indelible mark in your memory. It seems like you are hearing the Lord speak. 
One time I was providing driving lessons to a num. She asked what my wife does. I answered, “she’s just a clerk in the justice department.” Her response––“In the Lord’s eyes all work is honorable.” I’ve never forgotten that respect for the work that one does. It’s on a par with Gandhi’s response to his wife’s refusal to clean the latrine. He did it. All service is honorable.

 In my novel Baggage burdens. I provided wisdom-words of love and faith from a new comer to the church. Joseph wasn’t born and raised in the Orthodox Community Church. Most church members would have seen him as a person who was listening and learning. 
In one scene Joseph is at a planning committee for the church’s father-son campout which takes place in the August long weekend. This rural church instituted the practice as a means of showing the sons that they are not only valued farmer laborers but loved family members too. When Joseph hears that three fathers who object to taking off prime harvesting-days to go out on a camping adventure are shamed into participating, he is indignant. “That’s totally unacceptable.”
His words of response are:

Joseph insists the best way to deal with those fathers is by way of one-to-one private conversations. He argues, “Participating in the campout is an excellent faith expression. It shows our boys we count on the Lord, not on our own actions for getting the crops in on time. Also, what better way is there to demonstrate our love for our sons? Our actions show they are more important than anything else.” Joseph’s enthusiasm pushes him even further. “Giving up a weekend when nothing important happens after the crops are in paints a picture of a low value for our sons.”

haiku capsule:
lasting wisdom words
heard from unexpected source
proverb-like message
Next blog: A Pet’s Hook 

Order the e-book from kindle or kobo now or your soft cover from Amazon.
What words of wisdom have you appreciated? From whom did they come?
I’d like to hear your response. (
I’d love to use it on my new website that’s being developed.

All comments will be entered for a draw on the Baggage burdens.companion novel.

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