Thursday, 1 January 2015

Tentative Stepping

Tentative Stepping

Shall I
in the light of a new moon
poked by past’s short comings
dare to determine a brighter future
favor a lofty goal
pumped with high values, like a bulging bicycle tire?

Hobbled by weak will,
a commitment breaker,
can I
call on an accepting, supportive family
call on inquisitive, gentle, persistent urging friends
to invest iron into my will?

Eager for transformation,
anticipating uplifting arms
I resolve
to . . .

There are many phrases I like in this poem.
The second line captures the feeling of one who is starting something that they are not completely familiar.  That's how I feel about blogging. There is so much to learn.
The last two lines of the first stanza indicate I appreciate the values of being a good blogger.
The next stanza is a confession. I failed at blogging before even though I've taken a lesson on it.
Learning can't take place unless one takes the plunge. That's the point of my last stanza. Even then hesitation remains as the last line hints.
Now you see my attempt at approaching a new year's resolution and my goal. How did I do?

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