Sunday, 25 June 2017

A Compelling Witness

      A Compelling Witness

When it comes to sharing your faith, what makes a compelling witness? Some might say that one needs to live the life that Jesus calls us to live. Be a loving caring person. Others think that one should talk about their belief in God. I would add one more action––share how God has been a blessing in your life. Of course doing all of the above might lead one to think that you are a compelling witness.
However, being a strong witness is no guarantee that the person that is receiving your message will choose to believe in God. The good witness is no different than a good seed. The sower scatters the seeds. The seeds fall on fertile soil, shallow soil, soil infested with weeds’ seeds. When your witnessing falls upon reluctant ears, is there anything that can yet be done?
In my novel, Baggage burdens. Bill acts in a very caring way toward his friend, Jill. He helps Jill find a replacement vehicle. He helps her reconcile the relationship with her eldest son. When he is challenged about his faith in prayer, he shares how he sees God responding to his prayers. Still, Jill doesn’t buy into his faith in God. Bill has the needed answer, but it takes time and patience.

“Something wrong?”
“I don’t think I can do it,” Jill confesses. “Whatever I come up with sounds like I’m making excuses. That’ll never work.”
“The fact that you can recognize what doesn’t work proves you will come up with the right words. And if you don’t, don’t worry. No one is perfect. You can do it. I’m sure of it. Trust me,” says Bill.
“I don’t know.”
“Jill, you really have to work on that trust. Believe me when I say I know you can do it.”
“But I don’t want to blow it.”
“Do you want help?”
“You can’t tell me what to say. It has to come from me.”
“You’re right, but I know how I can help you come up with the right words.”
“Yes. Pray. Let’s ask God to lead you in your talk with Daniel.”
“I don’t know.”
“You sound like Moses when he said to the Lord that he didn’t have the ability to speak to pharaoh. Remember. God gave him the ability he needed.”
“That’s in the Bible. That’s a long time ago.”
“You don’t think it happens today?”
“Not to my knowledge. I’ve never heard anyone claim that God inspired them to say anything of value.
Then hear it now. Many times in talking with clients at the Wellness Center and even when I was the personnel manager I’ve said things I never thought of. Some times I said things in ways I wouldn’t have imagined. I’ve given thanks to the Lord for opening my eyes, or rather opening my mouth at the right time and saying the right things. Believe me, it pays to ask for the Lord’s guidance in uncertain times.”
Bill speaks with such confidence that Jill refrains from challenging him. Her doubts continue to plague her to the point of considering giving up on the idea of talking to Daniel.
Jill’s continuing silence prompts Bill to ask, “Would you like me to pray with you, to ask for the Lord’s leading on this healing venture?”
Jill nods. When he finishes Jill says, “Thank you. Now can we change topics?” She pulls her hands back.

haiku capsule:                 
You sharing your faith
through caring words and actions
What else is needed?

Next blog: Not Perfect

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