Sunday, 31 December 2017

Happy New Year

Happy New Year!!!

As I stand on the cusp of 2017 I look forward to the coming year with eagerness. I see, or if you wish to be more realistic, I hope for an exciting year. I can’t help feeling like I have just finished the first nine holes of golf. It doesn’t matter if the first half of the game was good or bad; I look forward to a great score on the coming nine holes. One might say in order to enjoy golf; one must have an optimistic nature. Lady Luck can be very fickle, one minute treating you to a par and the next sticking you with a lost ball. However, having a positive view of life can lead one to approach each day with eagerness and energy.

Looking ahead to this spring, or if I’m really lucky by February, my novel, Baggage burdens. will be published. After at least six years of writing, revising, polishing and polishing again and again, I have come to know and enjoy the many characters of my novel––Jill, Joseph, their family and their friends. However, now it’s time to let them out of my study-nest and fly into the world, even soar like an eagle. (Didn’t I say I have an optimistic spirit?)
This coming year I will have two chances to be very excited––first with my novel, Baggage burdens. and second with Helping Hands, its companion novel. The latter I expect to be released early in the summer.
For most part, both novels deal with Jill’s life. Why? Mainly because she refuses to face her anger and fears related to her alcoholic father and her perception of an unforgiveable misdeed. While the first novel deals with Jill’s psychological scars, the second deals with Jill confronting the causes of her haunting ghosts.
Readers of Baggage burdens. will see my hopeful nature invested in Joseph. The setting is Jill’s bedroom in the early minutes of the new year. To drastically limit her husband’s sexual advances, Jill has not permitted Joseph to sleep with her. Because company is sleeping over at their place, Jill has permitted Joseph, for that night, to return to her bedroom. She thinks she knows what she can expect.

Jill turns the light off and steps out of the bathroom. A small bedside table lamp shines. Joseph sits on the edge of the bed, a glowing adolescent waiting for her to show off her birthday present. With arms spread out, she makes one slow turn to let Joseph see what he imagined when looking in the lingerie shop window.
Within minutes Joseph hovers over her in an extended push-up. Then like a sheet slowly floating down, he initiates a controlled descent. His lips find her neck, her cheek, her lips. His hands slip beneath her back. He pulls her close as if he hopes she’ll absorb him. Rolling on his back, he brings her along like a light pillow. They move as one body.
Looking down at his beaming eyes, she says, “This wasn’t our arrangement.”
Her long, thick black hair curtains her cheeks. Her eyes, her nose, her lips peek out from her hair. Slowly Jill draws closer. Their lips lock. Hands search and find their treasures.
A moment of reluctance distracts Jill. She raises her head and in a confused state says, “Joseph, our deal.” Joseph’s arms gently wrap around her, explore her. Jill slides her hands from Joseph’s shoulders to his biceps. She knows if she wanted to get up, he’d let her.
Joseph’s whisper brings her back to the bedroom. “The deal was last year’s. This is a new year. Time for a new year’s resolution, a new deal.”
A gentle, firm pressure brings her lips to his. Joseph’s body nurtures passion he’d hoped for from his wife.

The roots of Joseph’s happiness grip the early hours of the new year, but his earlier sensual pleasures disappear with the sound of their children’s running feet. His morning appetizer leaves to serve breakfast. He resolves to see if his anticipated pleasures have completely evaporated. After briefly greeting his children as they eat their oatmeal, he follows Jill to the cupboard. From behind her, he rests his hands on her housecoat, then slides to her hips.
“Great party last night,” says Joseph.
Jill agrees.
“Even better morning.” Joseph peeks around to see her face.
She flashes a smile.
“Should make that a yearly tradition.”
Silence greets his suggestion.
“Maybe even a monthly event.” Joseph brushes the hair from the side of her face and plants a quick kiss on her cheek. Before she can comment, he takes their bowls of porridge to the table.

            haiku capsule:

Special New Year’s treat
Celibacy rests tonight
New resolution?

      Next blog:   Winter àFun Times

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